Hashit Tracker
RA's Cock:
Minja Turtle, keeps
Minja Turtle, keeps
Rapid's Rod:
Depth Charge
Depth Charge
Golden Plunger:
Dick Hat:
Ole King Cole
Ole King Cole
Viking Horns:
The Count
The Count
Purple Sprouting:
Soggy Btm Time
Soggy Btm Time
Pink Wig:
Bell End
Bell End
Beer Hat:
The Count
The Count
Risky Hi Viz:
The Count
The Count
- 1775
- 1774
- 1773
- 1772
Looking for older runs? Try browsing the Wurdz Archive
DISCLAIMER: The Words describe hash events from the Hares' point of view but never let the truth get in the way of a good story. The opinions are bugger all to do with the Scribe unless the Hares were so damned lazy that they didn't provide copy by Wednesday so the Scribe made them up.
WORDS: Hares email your bons mots ASAP to Scribe: wurdz@h5hashers.org.uk