Run 1200

Sunday 6 April 2014

White Horse, Burnham Green

Hares: Private Parts and Count Roadkill


Ringer was very MCC (1200, geddit?)

Fat Controller chews on a Jammy Dodger

Not So Rapid and the late gang

The forecast was for rain, but out of honour for the occasion it held off as H5 gathered for the 1200th time. The run was from the village of Burnham Green, founded in the year 1200 by Roger Burnham (later Lord Burnham), the noted landowner and lover of ale. The hamlet has recently resisted attempts to change the name to Burnham Down following a series of firey incidents not at all related to insurance.

The White Horse Pub is an old favourite of H5 – White Rabbit did her 600th from here some years ago (with more foresight she would have done her 600th twice). Today the pub forms the focal point of the village, whose population has grown to some 1200 odd people. It remains to be seen if they are odd enough to do a Kensworth and complain of the pink powder.

Ringer is worth a mention here as the only H5er to take note of the Run Theme that he officially decreed. 1200 is indeed MCC, MCC does indeed mean cricket and he was indeed silly enough to turn out in full creams. All credit to him, far too few acts of random silliness on The Hash these days.

This was the run of 1200 cock-ups – starting to lay the trail down the wrong road didn't help, neither did the change of pub, the fenced-off footpath, the slippery stile or leaving the foodstuffs in the car.

None of this, however interfered with the enjoyment of the run. The event marked the 10th anniversary of PP's first haring (actual date was 4/4/04) – remembered for loads of shiggy, a footpath that had become a river (1200mm deep in places), by Meg's white trousers (they weren't at the end) and the 1200 words the unique MLP wrote to record PP turning up late.

After a brief opening circle we headed out round the green, before locating the path towards Tewin. Underlay, Depth Charge and Captain F were all regular victims of the 100 (it felt like that many) 12 checks that were spread liberally throughout the trail. Spurred on by FC's chants of "Where's the beer stop?" the pack were soon enjoying 1200 Jammie Dodgers (retrieved from the pub by the Count) on the green at Tewin.

FRBs seemed to consist largely of MKers, such as Deano, as we headed out towards the field and a Jelly Baby stop on the front Lawn of Lewis Hamilton's understated home.

On our return to the pub Snap Happy, Tarzan and the Pub Staff were waiting to welcome us in. Down Down's were awarded, and Hash Flash had to beg Double Entry not to reveal too much skin as she received her 250th award.

ON ON to Ickleford
Private Parts and The Count

How UNDERLAY did 1200

Nobody wants to sit next to an RA

Beer Stop in Hamilton territory

Double Entry and 250 Run Award