Run 1358

Sunday 12 March 2017

The Old Red Lion, St Evenage

Hares: Spotted Dick and Custard


Hares that must be very Harey

Anniversary for Old Tar who took the King's Shilling when it was worth a bob or two

In the middle of St Evenage

Blow Felt volunteers to violate Lady P ...

... Capt F violated himself ...

... and everyone violated The Count

Venue for a moist run

Capt F, feeling himself again ...

... and ensuring he stays moist ...

... but did he soak up a bit too much in the underwear department?

Knotch, saviour of fallen daffodils ...

... and Pecker dares to tell her where she went wrong

As 11.00 approached this morning there was a sudden realisation that there was no HM, GM or RA so it fell to Count Roadkill to announce the hash (without the correct number!!) So many duties to perform on a Sunday morning when not prepared!!

No birthdays but 1 anniversary as Shagpile announced that he had joined the Navy 43 years ago today but was then unable to participate in the hash due to his dodgy knee. However, Underlay was able to oblige with her ubiquitous running.

On out was announced and the hash ran off in search of the correct route. After a run around Shephall Green the right route was eventually found and the hash soon found themselves in Fairlands Valley Park. All false routes were ignored and the run continued until the first Held check was reached and the rest of the pack were able to catch up with the FRBs. Spotted Dick passed Capt F a towel and informed him that he would know what to do with it when the time came.

The pack went up to the play park and Capt. F was the first person down the slide. Only to get his pants wet!!!! Obviously with the rain the towel wasn't up to the job. What a shame!

A short cut for the Knitting Circle allowed the pack to join up for a run through the woods.

At the next play park there was a Zip Wire and several of the hash had a go. By this time the light drizzle had given way to light rain and obviously fogged up the Count's eyesight as he got a bit lost turning left into Shephall Way rather than right. No matter it allowed the SRBs to catch up. A final slog up Hydean Way brought the pack back to the Old Red Lion.

Stand-in HM Count continued his battle with late-onset by forgetting to appoint a stand-in RA, so he re-branded misdemeanours as violations, Sarajevo-style, to be awarded by the circle. Surprisingly there had been no obvious violations although Blow Felt spent all day trying to think up one despite really wanting to violate himself. Well, there's no accounting for some people!!!

As there were no fish hooks en route the FRBs had sprinted ahead and everyone was back in the pub within about 5-6 minutes. Or maybe it was just because of the rain and gave time for Capt. F, to change his pants. Any excuse for wet pants!!

Down downs were awarded to the hares and then Spotted Dick was awarded a down down by Capt. F for not providing sufficient dryness in a towel on the slide. Oh dear. Poor Capt. F!!!

Various other down downs were awarded for picking flowers – actually recovering discarded flowers, dropping a hash book on the floor and complaints from Capt F about dogs peeing on the other side of the tree he was leaning against. The rain continued and further ideas for down downs were finally abandoned as was the hash.

On on next week to Norton.
Spotted Dick and Custard