"Compass and chips please"

Run 1259

Monday 18 May 2015

The Compasses, Greenfield

Hare: Capt Fantaaastic


Lunch Sack, a welcome visitor from London City Hash

The KC strides out across Flitton Moor

Shagpile continues to be arty, farty with Box Brownie

Twas a lovely Sunday. Laying the trail was a pleasure apart from the fear of being shot at by the murder (I choose the collective noun carefully) of clay pigeon shooters that I encountered.

It might have been lovely on Saturday, but it was more than moist for most of Monday, which meant that there was almost a total lack of trail markings to guide the pack for the actual run.

We were graced by the presence of Lunch Sack a visiting hasher from the London City hash and a second appearance from last week’s Peas-in-the-Pot, Ribbon-and-Curls. Nicely Calypygeous [OED: callipygous; Dep Ed] Wriggleys-Gums was the consensus of most of the Pot-and-Pan hashers.

As we set off it became a little Uncle-Willie as the Turin-Shrouds closed in.

Right from the start it became apparent that our visitor was a bit of a Botany-Bay, as he sped off like a Harry-Dash. Anyone would think it was a Charley-Chase.

The rain earlier did mean that the old Ones-and-Twos did get a little muddy, but that’s hashing and that's why we love it.

Corporal-Klinger, Coat-Hangers and Roast-Pork-ing checked out the Dunstable check.

Most of the run was off Frog-and-Toad, and some of it was alongside the Bullocks-Liver.

A short cut was offered just after the Left-in-the-Lurch as this avoided the LONG-INN for the Cream-Crackered and the rape field for the hay fever sufferers.

At least everyone got back without experiencing any Please-and-Pain.

Back at the Rub-a-dub it was time for a wee Tiddly-Wink of some fine Pigs-Ear accompanied by Sexton-Blake courtesy of Catch-It.

A translation is available upon request.

Yours Affectionately,

El Capitain

On-on to the Old Hunters Lodge, Whipsnade for our bank holiday run starting at 4pm.

How Depth Charge did 1259

27 yrs with GG and 21 (again)

Last week's newees Hazel and Aimee return keen as mustard

Capt's marks included a 'Dunstable' check

At times, the trail was not well-defined

Capt ignores a drinking request

Depth Charge photo-bombs Gorjoyce portrait