Run 1203

Monday 28 April 2014

The Chequers, Westoning

Hares: Blow Felt and Forking Dick Chair


On On through the dreaded OSR ...

Lady P praised for PN Afloat

Nik Nak enjoys her down-down for ...

Here is some shipping news issued by H5 on Monday 26 April for run 1203. On this day in 1770 Captain Cook finished his own posh nosh cruise by landing in Australia.

At Westoning it was chaos in the car park as Nik Nak tried to navigate her supertanker-sized car into a small parking space fit for a kayak or pedallo. The great cyclist, Underlay, looked on anxiously for the safety of her own car.

At circle up it was found that nobody shared their birthday today with Sir Bradley Wiggins. The pack sailed off towards a horse field and stable yard. Lush undergrowth [was she there?: Asst Ed] had sprouted over a vastly underused pathway to create an assault course that was more akin to hacking than hashing.

An early hold was upon the bridge with '1934' chiselled into its brickwork. Our own hasher of such vintage, Bangers, was otherwise engaged on a Monday Night Bowls League match.

Once across the road there were fields of bright yellow rape seed with number checks that sent back many FRBs such as Rapid Withdrawal, and Clap Trap. There was a group hug around the spreading bough of the old oak tree with Pussies Galore, Double Entry and Lady Pee clinging to the rigging.

After this team bonding exercise it was then a choice for the runners and walkers between the long circuit or the short cut towards the constant clattering cacophony of the clanging campanologists chiming at the church.

Subby and her sea dog Oscar along with Ringer and Five Baah opted for the extension, although Thongo was found to have a longer extension on his, that dwarfed Rapid's best effort.

Once across the sandy gallops both those that had been cantering, as well as those with the galloping trots, met and returned to the Chequers for beer and cakes. As for new shoes (Thongo) in the mouth, it was Catch It If You Can who opened her foghorn a bit too much, and ended up wearing the Hashes like a rubber ring.

On on to another nautically named venue next week.


How THE GM did 1203

... to hug a tree?!

Pongo, Ringer, Rapid, extensionalism?

... extreme parking disorders