Run 1124

Sunday 2 December 2012

The Gardener's Arms, Letchworth

The Two Chimneys, Letchworth

Hare: Pecker


HM & HMs: some sort of anniversary

Count was mildly amused...

... but Ringer creased up. Why?

I checked out the Old Beefeater, the usual drinking venue [the one we all used to know as The Wilbury: Dep Ed]. Visually all ok from the car, on inspection every day for a month. A hash run to Ickleford to see the new rail curve all seemed normal; then Hollywood arrived in town.

Saturday before the run, check the pub. Ahhh! Simon Pegg. Simon Pegg taking over our Glen. All bloody week Hollywood taking, over renaming Letchworth Garden City. The Station became the hole in the wall, Town Hall changed, Cinema, three pubs, an old Dr - surgery now a pub.

The film is all about a stag weekend, ironic when we have less drinking venues than Hitchin. A beer bender influencing the driving over the oldest roundabout in England and 1000 people running down a hill and now my Beer venue changed to the hole in the wall – gutted.

Thankfully the Chimneys came to our rescue. Being the only hare, what did happen? A runners' run, so plenty of turn backs & number checks planned. Keeping the Hash together could be a challenge owing to the out & back figure eight run. We had a lovely held check at Norton Common & plenty of number 3 turn backs keeping everyone together, and the first 55-minute run, a first for me.

On back to the Two Chimneys & many down downs. Who got what? Hare - Pecker – Anniversary. Hope you enjoyed, In the words of Pongo, the shortest run / walk he's enjoyed.

Onn Pecker

THE ROUTE, courtesy of The Count

The Hash made stately progress

Fat Controller's legs are Floral Dancing...

...while Pongo MOTs the famous head seal

Run 1124A – the hash with a difference

29 November - 2 December
Lille, France

Les singes H5 est allé à Lille...

...pour quelques beignets...

...chocolats... cafés

Firstly to introduce you to two new overseas hares – Double Entrée (oops; reverse translates as Dual Input) and Deux Fois R (ok some imagination needed here), known in the UK as Double Entry and Twicza.

Then to introduce you to 5 Hashers – Gogo Chattes (Pussies Galore), Beignet (Donut), Quartier 10 (Ward 10), Crieur (Screamer) and Smiffo (I wonder who this could be?), none of who could get used to DE without her clipboard which was left behind to leave space for those all important purchases.

A significant delay to our outward Eurostar journey somewhat scuppered our plans of an advance hash reccie but fortunately the planning before the trip paid off in the main. The delay...having boarded to find out the tunnel was closed we finally set off a couple of hours later and almost made it, well to Ashford at least, where we were told our train had a technical fault and so couldn't continue into the tunnel. So guess where we went...back to St Pancras! Fat Controller being a train fanatic would probably have been in his element but Gogo Chattes, Deux Fois R and Double Entrée weren't so excited! But at least we get a free return journey to France next year.

Back to the run without running...we circled, the hares briefed the hashers that the run consisted of Chocolate Shops (much to Crieur's delight) and Historic Architecture, and involved answering some questions and taking photos along the way, how silly of me to ask them to all bring their cameras!!!

It ended with a visit up the Belfry for those with a head for heights, to see the 360 degree view from the top, or should I say for those who got less distracted by the shops along the way...Beignet and Smiffo less window shopping next time please

Instead of paying subs hashers (and hares) all bought some chocolate from the amazing Chocolatier shops which we shared in the circle. Down downs consisted of Vin Chaud (Mulled Wine) and Chocolat Chaud (Hot Chocolate), although Beignet and Smiffo stuck to good old traditional bière, but everyone enjoyed a drink. Did you enjoy such luxuries at run 1124 without the A?

The run helped us to get our bearings of the town and to learn the rule "pillars mean cars" but taking part in 1124A has unfortunately hindered Beignet's hareyness score, whilst Smiffo and Screamer will improve their score when haring this Sunday.

The graphic below shows we learnt some important French vocab during our visit (we can't say if it was put to use or not), but we couldn't have done without our Translator Crieur who did a superb job. You see it's all very well asking your well rehearsed question in French but then when they reply in French and at speed your left thinking "Pardon?" Do I say oui or non, get it wrong and who knows what you'll get.

As for the rest of our stay I couldn't possibly divulge I'm afraid as "what goes on tour, stays on tour" after all...

On On
Double Entrée

French, 'ow it is speaked...