Run 1033

20 March 2011

The Bell, Benington

Hares: Lady P & The Count


Max, Submissive & poo bag

Madge uses tongue for birthday drink

Zebedee uses cake for birthday drink

It's come to a pretty damn fine state of affairs when a Scribe has to chase himself for The Words, and having caught me I find I've been struck dumb by the mediocrity - yes, there, I've said it - by the lack of exception that personified 1033 and made it fail to stand out from any other exceedingly pleasant ramble through the beautiful Hertfordshire countryside on a fine Spring morning.

Returnee Seaman Stains brought Newbee/ Visitor John - known to us from the H5x4 walk the previous day - and both proved good value along with Smiffo in swelling the ever dwindling pool of FRBs and ensuring that numbered checks were observed. Capt F offered Skippy's potential callipygousness at 5p a spank. Private Parts stood in as Hash Flash for the day. Madge scampered forward to claim an 11th birthday drink along with Zebedee, clearly many years older and offering cake all round, and the latter took the birthday hat although he couldn't stop it from slipping off his head. The Hares warned of a possible carnage on the Walkern road, but that didn't happen despite the late arrival of cars containing Scrummy Dumps and Karmen Suits Ja, who was later to thrill the GM and The Count with as much striptease as their ageing tickers could take, as result of road closure on the B34782. Max managed to fill a poo bag within 3 minutes of the run start, which Submissive says is par for the course. Lady P laid a HA-HA check - sort of lying with flour - which she thought the pack would find funny but to judge from the look on Underlay's face they did not. No one took the short cut but when we arrived at the delightfully daffodilled Duck Lane we were greeted by G-String and Emily and Grace and White Rabbit, looking for all the world as if they owned the place or at least wanted to. A duck on the village pond entered the callipygous contest (am I getting obsessed with that word?). The trail was far from too long but no one complained of it being too short either. Lady P served delicious home-made scones and the pub served the ubiquitous Greene King IPA.

So all pretty standard stuff.

In the circle down-downs for the Hares, the Newbee, the Birthday Boy & Mutt, a Deca for Seaman and late 50 run mug for Frau Krasty Rot as she was spelt the first time we had the engraving done. Smiffo was caught using technology in the vicinity of the circle, Custard tried to claim her shoes were not new and somehow managed to keep the right one beer free, Thongo was a bit miffed because if the run had been a day later he could have said it was the best run this Spring, and then he became a target of a most moving show of affection from Grace (see charming photo in gallery).

Just what we expect every week as it goes.

Perhaps things will liven up next week at:




RA invites Smiffo plus Mobi to join the circle

Custard preserves her new shoe

50 for Frau and Deca for Seaman