Run No 997

Monday 16 August 2010

Sugar Loaf, Meppershall

Hares: Cardiac, Biggles & Szyslak


Hares enlist gravity to get hash moving

Others carried the can but we know DE balled & chained poor Chester

A dry birthday for Scooby

Hares: 3 Wurdz: Nil

Oh bad, bad Hares. We waited, and we waited and we waited again, but 'twas in vain; Wurdz came there none.

Have the Worboys boyz been beamed off-planet?
Has Dogz Bollox grounded them for some misdemeanour?

We wait anxiously for news...but don't hold your breath, unless of course Cardiac breaks wind, in which case...


Cardiac may look as though he is smiling but we can assure you it is a very painful procedure, especially when you watch it performed on your son and heir

Let this be a warning to all Hares who don't come up with the Wurdz

Is it us or is the knitting circle getting younger?

Nik Nak sees the light

"Chubbier than Shagpile": RA's proud boast