Run No 937

Green Dragon, Upper Gravenhurst

Monday, 15 June 2009

Hare: Capt Fantaaaaastic


The WURDZ this week are going to be short mainly due to a serious attack of CBA and also alcohol induced memory loss.

If you has taken a stroll anywhere near Upper Gravenhurst on Sunday afternoon you might have spotted old fella plodding about aimlessly spraying white compounds around the environs of the village. The old fella was clearly quite knackered and in need of some emergency medical treatment. Well you've guessed it - it was me laying the trail and the reason why I was so knackered was down to having competed in the Bedford Spring Triathlon that very morning.

Well it may have taken a long time, but the trail was eventually laid and everything was set for the following evening.

What about the run itself:

  • The GM and both RAs were present. Despite this the weather threatened to be absolutely abominable. The storm clouds were brewing, but somewhat surprisingly the rains never materialised and everyone stayed pretty much dry.
  • It was Capt F's birthday and he came bearing cakes and a walnut liqueur for everyone to share in his celebration.
  • The run was short, as it turned out to be only forty five minutes in length. The reason why it was so short was down to the general fatigue/malaise that I felt when I laid the trail. Sorry!!! I promise to do better next time.
  • There was plenty of lightning cracking off. Or was there? There were a few jokes.
  • The group pretty much stayed all together, due to the copious use of checks of various types. Scoobedobedobedooooo ended up in the drink.
  • The entire hash disappeared at one stage as everyone trekked through the tall savannah grasslands that skirted the river path.
  • Double Entry develops a nasty rash on her legs.
  • The RAs were in tip top form and just about everyone on the run got at least one down-down and yours truly got three (or was it four).
  • Double Entry got her deca award and Bangers his 50 Run tankard.
  • The hare got drunk on beer and Walnut lacquer.
  • The old dragon that used to run the pub has gone. Hooray!!!!

Anyway I really enjoyed myself and I hope you all did too.

On-On to punting on Saturday and next Mondays joint run with H4 at the White Lion, Bengeo.

Scooby could sling, swing over and wallow in his favourite element

Team RA succession planning oar wot?

Capt F, birthday hare

We're the Thuckawee

A pair of mugs 'n' Madge

Guess who has new shorts