Run 936

Rapid's Gaff, Toddington

Monday, 8 June 2009

Hares: Legs 11, Rapid Recall & Ringer


Things looked ominous when at nigh-on the appointed On-Out hour, the pack outnumbered the Hares (Legs 11, Rapid and Ringer) by only 2:1. Still, a fine run had been laid on Sunday afternoon after a torrential downpour in the morning. Would the flour survive till Monday evening? Would the BBQ be outdoors or indoors? Would the length of the run be about right? These were questions that had troubled your Hares greatly for the last 24 hours.

Pussies Galore was the first to arrive. The first unexpected was that the run had been laid as an A-to-B, so the pack-ette was loaded into waiting vehicles, driven deep into the Toddington countryside and thrown out at a lay-by into the rain, which was now making its presence truly felt. "Right, last one back to the house is a sissy", said Rapid. "Good luck everyone". But before the pack was unleashed, the obligatory Circle was called by GM Private Parts, which found nothing of a recurrent nature to report, but recognised the presence of newie Nigel, hitherto known only to Rapid, but now welcomed to our merry throng. Count Roadkill was having trouble with his (borrowed) flashing equipment, which seemed to be getting the wet in.

Away up the road we sploshed till the first check took us into a field containing sheep, PP and Shufflecock taking turns to generate excruciating puns, as we ran across it. This would take us on a loop around Happyland Farm before heading back towards Toddington Park. Right from the off, it became clear that PP was being fuelled by some high octane stuff; he was almost permanently a distant figure on the horizon. Even number checks found him coming to the check in about fifth place, the second time around. False trials all mainly working to plan, we came to a held check, at which Legs dispensed chocolate bar refreshments, purchased at the exorbitant price of 1p - for a pack of 6! Stupendous vistas across Toddington Park and Manor revealed the distant Clappers at Sharpenhoe, as pointed out by Rapid.

The rain had finally relented at this point, for which the Hares were grateful. Across the well-manicured lawns of Toddington Park we trod and back to the road. Although the pack didn't know it, at 8:10 after half an hour's running, we were only 4- to 500 metres or so from our start point, and were heading up the road towards it again. However 250 metres short, we turned off the road and were soon tracing a well-cleared path across a field of barley. As Underlay remarked, the ground, although by no means shiggy, seemed reluctant to let each footfall go, tiring the legs (and The Legs).

A simple run back brought us to the On Inn, followed in short order by chez Rapid. The outdoor BBQ was avidly consumed indoors (many thanks to Sue for sterling efforts in this department). When all hashers were gourmandly sated, PP called the Circle out onto the patio. Hares were rewarded as entirely appropriate, followed by newie Nigel, who not only wasn't a chocolate fan, but also announced he was TT (shock horror; enough to have Master Gispert turning in his grave). The RA being on Hare duties and the Assistant RA absent, Secret RA Shufflecock took centre stage. Sins were revealed and summarily dealt with, including the Count for going in EVERY wrong direction, and awarding a 'virtual' Good Crack award to XXX-fuelled Private Parts; a 'virtual' award was needed in the absence of the real thing - we know who you are Mekon, and where you live.

Apres were Shagpile (after father taxi duties) and White Rabbit, who arrived 10 minutes after we'd left the house, despite being GPS-equipped (apparently it only knows its way home and refuses to direct her anywhere else - it's not daft is it?)

On-On to next week at Upper Gravenhurst. Will the dragon still be behind the bar? Be there next week to find out.

Legs, Rapid & Ringer

Everyone trying to stand next to Rapid

The GM takes some XXX fuel

White Rabbit's satnav guides her to the circle