Run No 928

George & Dragon, Watton

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Hares: Donut & Shufflecock


[Missing line(s): Archive Ed]

dangerous thing but this time you may have got away with it thanks to a few sketches and clues dispatched by brave Sir Thongo - before he had to rush off to watch Match of the Day.

The run nearest St George's Day - superb English weather, an appropriate pub and My Noble Lord Shagpile shows off his helmet, which should be enough to see off the GM's Willy and other suitors to the good Lady Underlay. Comely handmaidens Gorjoyce, Pussies and White Rabbit also appear, albeit late, in the purest of white and finest of red. Others must do better next year.

The trail to seek the Holy Grail is set out by Our Liege Donut and loyal page Shufflecock. The retinue begin the quest to cries of "Watton bids good fortune to all nobie Grail seekers" but due to an error in the ancient manuscripts it's nigh on two hours before they return, grail-less.

Many unrecounted adventures must remain unrecounted but it is known that the band stops for portraits - one lined up in order of height for a reason unknown; that diminutive varletess Fizzy is fairy-like among bluebells and that the trusty Shufflecock can hardly walk because he is knackered from laying with Donut.

Brother Forking leaves punishments inscribed on the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, removes the pin and leaves quickly. Fair Maid Mekon and gang must also rush away to a grail welcoming ceremony and hitch a lift in a van.

In a land far away Smashin' Grab marries a handsome prince (picture copyright Hello).

Does any one really believe in fairy tales?


ON ON to Shefford (that should bring you down to earth)