Run 919

Mekon's Gaff, Bygrave

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Hares: Mekon & Splitblox


Penetrator and Ringkisser on a visit

Fizzy fizzing along

Midge enjoys her Newee's down-down

The run felt like it was spring because the flours were out and the temperature was higher but there was still some snow!-it was at the barns and nobody noticed it apart from me. The run was fairly muddy but not to muddy, a lot of hashers picked up mud and left it on our floor. At the end we had sausages, garlic bread etc. served by Dan Dare, it was delicious!
from Split-blox

Madge and Midge .. well held

Over 500 Runs Veteran's Check

The GM tries to hide behind his Willy