Run 884

The First & Last, Dunstable

Monday, 14 July 2008

Hare: Forking Dickchair (with added Bangers)


Mr & Mrs Smiffo....tired but happy

Bangers, laid and skidaddled

The Count.....yet another birthday

[Line(s) missing: Archive Ed]

she proudly declared her age as eleven and a half and she got a boyfriend too... She will no doubt be wearing her new hash T Shirt with pride.

She was keen to berate her elders with cries of 'Come on Grandad' to poor old Ringer. Neither he nor anyone else could keep up with the newlywed Smiffo who was FRB up some of the more beastly false routes. Mrs Smiffo, a.k.a. Screamer was involved in some sex on the hash by holding hands with her new husband on one of many back checks on this hilly route.

At the end of the hash there was food laid on as Bangers & Madge appeared with a BBQ spread (he had laid the trail but did not actually run it which lead to some not unexpected confusion).

However Thongo declared it to be 'surprisingly good'. FKA Duck agreed and the temporary RA, Rapid Withdrawal said it was "better than being with 'investment bankers'". Count Roadkill made his first appearance since his fall although as his birthday fell as well he had a celebratory down down. Lady Pee also had a down down for not displaying the previously awarded good crack.

Nik Nak collected a drink after observing a 'prickly one' halfway round. Donut was awarded a down down too and other than mentioning Gorjoice who passed on good news regarding White Rabbit it is:

ON ON to the Sportsman in Stopsley.


Newee Shannon...picked up Hashing very quickly

Forking...doing his "master of all I survey" bit

Shannon - she's alright