Run 864

The Jester, Odsey

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Hares: Mekon & Birthday Boy Splitblox


RA shows off his new tights

Young hashers take a rest

Bowser is named

It had balloons and party blowers at every check. It had long stretches of running but, the last bit was on a road, it was quite busy and there was no pavement also, the run started near the A505 so, we had a background noise at the start and finish.

On On
Splitblox, now aged nine.

The lad is spot on but, preoccupied by computer games no doubt, he forgets a few records achieved on this Hash:

  • Biggest knitting circle - this day we really did deserve the epithet "the WI Hash".
  • Most inappropriate footwear worn by a newee - and she got away with it: Karen we salute you.
  • Best birthday cake - Mekon, if you were responsible, we forgive the spelling mistake, it was gorgeous.
  • Most down-downs not drunk in a circle - now this really is WI: we are not drinking our beer, we're not even drinking our cola

Seriously though ... fun day for all the family: a good long run in lovely countryside.


** For those of you over 30 - and I know there are some - Bowser, alternately referred to as King Koopa is a video game character in Nintendo's Mario series. He is Mario's archnemesis and the leader, and most powerful, of the turtle-like Koopa race. UK?

Part of the knitting circle marches on

Birthday hints littered the trail

Mekon fails to cut her finger this time