Run 861

The Steamer, Welwyn

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Hares: Pongo and Deadmeat


St Peter, Ayot St Peter, built 1875

"What's in yours?" "I don't know, but just keep smiling"

Aircon, calendar abuse

It really was a hash of a hash run but it can mostly be blamed on Gorjoyce for at long last pressurising Deadmeat to lay a run. We got off to a good start and before long were crossing newly ploughed fields where were joined by Five Baah and Bell End. Looking back there were beautiful views over the countryside before a long down hill falsie and then on through woods to Ayot St Peter church.

Soon after this it all went wrong. In her eagerness to have a good run Mekon raced ahead of sprog Splitblox who then increased the distance by having to tie a shoe lace. Spitblox was soon scooped up by the tail enders and directed onto the one and only short cut. It seemed a long time to reunite the pack but the FRBs had run into, and been confused by a fresh trail laid by H4.

After a jovial banter with the H4 pack we're on our way, but, "Where was Deadmeat?"

Screamer was concerned about Deadmeat as he had told her that he just could not keep up the pace so we backtracked to find him. We asked various people on the old railway track if they had seen "an old boy in a yellow shirt" and discovered that he had run back to find Spitblox. For those of you who don't know, Deadmeat has not exactly got a good sense of direction and we were fearful that he was lost but at least alive!

Appreciating that both hares have slightly dickey tickers, Private Parts had been supplied with a route map and was able to mislead the pack on the planned trail. However, the H4 markings compounded the cock-up which sent Count Roadkilll off into the countryside on a long falsie. Screamer and I followed along well behind by now but noted that true initiative had been shown by Private Parts in marking the true trail with arrows made from sticks. Deadmeat (forever economical with the flour) had made his own way back to the Steamer. Who needs hares?

All was well that ended well, and once again the hash had enjoyed being able to "move forward into broad, sunlit uplands"1

In the circle there were awards to Screamer for completing 200 runs, and Count Roadkill received a special 'designer' top for his 150 (but only because he slept with the hash-haberdasher someone meowed).

On-on to the bissextile2 run,


  1. Churchill 18th June 1940.
  2. bissextile, a. & n. Leap(-year) From the Latin bi(s)sextilis (annus), (year) containing the bis sextus dies or double 24th February.
  3. Who said it was bullshit?

Welcome to our hash H4

Sinners old & young great & small

200 for Screamer