Hashers: Capt F, PP, Nik Nak, Shuffle, Frau, Skippy + dog, Forking, Spotted Dick + Custard.

A rarity this month – a New Moon Hash not set by Capt F. Who knows, maybe next there will be a H5 Hash not set by Ringer? [I can indeed confirm that I shall not be setting an H5 run next month - Deputy Scribe]

The trail was set with about a 50-minute head start and I managed to meet up approx half way round before finishing the trail. The rain held off for the Hash, but shortened the picnic so we retired to the Stone Jug for a post run beer.

Spotted Dick took on the role of RA and awarded the Hare, Forking (of course) Capt F and probably others too. The new "Capt F to the back" check was well received and likely to be a feature of future hashes.

Unfortunately no pictures, but you can create a mental image of Spotted Dick running with 2 giant mushrooms. What a Fungi he is.

On On